How to Download books from Scribd For Free

Something very important to keep in mind is that when uploading or downloading from Scribd you can only do so of material that belongs to you and that does not violate the copyright of any publication. Apart from this, you will have total freedom to enjoy reading as long as you are subscribed to the service. In case you want to download files from Scribd for free , or read for free, the website allows you to do so for about 30 days during its trial period.

This is not all, since Scribd also includes an important catalog of audiobooks , ideal for all those people who have vision problems or who simply want to listen to the stories instead of reading them. As we have already mentioned, the service is not free, since it has a subscription. Despite this, there are methods to download files from Scribd for free and in a simple way. We will show you the main ones below.

Keep in mind, however, that the main method is to subscribe to the platform, since once you do, you will be able to download whatever you want from Scribd. The prices of this subscription are quite cheap, mainly considering the quality of the service provided. To access these, you simply have to enter their website ( As we have already mentioned, if you have doubts, there is a free trial period for 30 days , which will allow you to check if the website is worth it.

Index of contents

How to download free PDF books on Scribd

Now we get directly into the matter to know how to download free Scribd books in PDF format. These are methods that we have tried and they work, although that does not mean that this situation can change at any given time and the methods that we are telling you about may not work. Likewise, we urge you to always respect copyright or copyright and always resort to downloading legal content.

At FormatPDF we are not responsible for the use you may make of each of the methods shown. We simply show you legal pages that serve you to obtain copies of books that you have purchased or those that are free of copyright. We will show you the best methods.

You can download a PDF from Scribd for free if you share files

Downloading files from Scribd without having to pay a subscription is possible as long as you contribute by uploading documents , which allows you to access and read other content. It is, without a doubt, one of the most logical methods when using this tool, comparable to a virtual library.

You share, you use . A simple concept. In addition, it is the most natural method that Scribd proposes, to be able to increase its content more and more.

Downloading from Scribd via other websites

There are download web pages on the internet where, after pasting the link of the Scribd book you want to download, you can get the PDF file and save it to your computer. The advantage of this method is that you can read the book later, without the need to be connected to the internet. But it also has a big disadvantage, since sometimes there are problems with the formats that prevent the Scribd download from being done correctly. This also happens if the encryption of a book is high enough.

One such tool is , which allows free downloading of Scribd files. The steps to follow for this are the following:

  • First of all, copy the link of the file you want to download on Scribd.
  • Access the page of the aforementioned tool and enter or paste the copied link in the box provided for it .
  • Once the above is done, you will see a button that says “ Download ”, on which you have to click to start the procedure.
  • Later, another new button will appear with the text “ Click to download ” in order to confirm the action.
  • The download will start and once it is finished, you will be able to access the file in the download folder, to open it and save it in the folder you want.

Another of the best-known websites to download from Scribd is , although it also offers you the possibility of downloading from other platforms such as SlideShare or Issuu. The steps to follow are similar to those of the previous online tool:

  • You start by copying the url of the file you want to download on Scribd.
  • You enter the tool's website and paste this link in the white box .
  • This time you will see a button that reads “ Download PDF ”, which you need to click on.
  • Then you will see a new button that says “ Download as PDF ”.
  • Lastly, you will see a new window that says “ Download Compressed .PDF File ”.

To give you a third example, we also provide you with the name of the DLSCRIB page , where in order not to repeat ourselves, you should know that its use is similar to the previous two. As an outline, tell you that: Copy the Scribs link – paste it in the corresponding window – click on “Generate download link” – mark “I am not a Robot” – and click on “Download PDF” .

The Chrome browser to download documents from Scribd

There is a method that allows you to directly view the documents located on the Scribd website. For this you have to install a Chrome browser extension called Scribd pages reveal . Once you have it, you only have to enter the document or book you want to read and then click on the extension icon. As you can see, it is a very simple method, although to use it, you will need to have an internet connection.

What you should know about downloading free from Scribd

Once we have already shown you how to download books from Scribd for free, now we are going to provide you with a series of tips, arising from the doubts that some users have sent us. We hope from FormatPDF to be able to solve all your questions and that you find the answer you were looking for within this article. In any case, remember that you can always write to us through our contact page and we will try to answer you as quickly as possible.

  • Once you already have the PDF in your possession and you want to have that book in a more suitable format for reading, it is convenient that you know that there are conversion tools that allow you to make this change.
  • There are times when a downloadable book has a very high coding, which means that the online tools shown do not obtain the expected result. In this sense, it is advisable to change the web tool to see if you can download the Scribd books that you want to read.
  • Always try to respect the author's rights and the copyright of each work , otherwise you would be harming the literature market. Yours is the responsibility to do the right thing at all times.
  • The best way to download books from Scribd is by subscription or content sharing . In this way you will never have problems when downloading.
  • In the event that you doubt whether or not to read a work, you should know that the Scribd website includes evaluations made by the readers themselves, in addition to including a small review written by the tool itself. Before downloading a book from Scribd, we recommend checking the opinions of people like you who have already read it before.

What operating systems allow free download from Scribd

All the websites and platforms that we have shown you in these articles work in the cloud, so you will not have any problem managing them on any operating system, be it Windows, MacOS, Android or iOS . The only thing you are going to need for this is a good internet connection, so that the download of files from Scribd online for free is faster. Remember to have a good reader to be able to enjoy your favorite texts.

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